
Getting Started With Dashboard :

  • Make sure all the PC and System Requirements are met before moving on to the next step

  • Open a web browser and access the provided URL and log in to the site/platform as explained earlier

  • Make sure you are signed in as the Sub-Group Head

  • After signing-in, the landing page as seen below will be visible to the Sub-Group Head from where he/she can see all the required information on the status and progress of all feedback activities, reports, and analytics updated in real-time.

  • If the screen shows a Dashboard that looks like the one below, you are signed in to the site

  • In the upper right you should see "Welcome YOUR "first name", "Last Name", YOUR "Group Name" and you are logged in as your "Designation" i.e. Sub-Group Head

  • A Dashboard is a place where you get to see a summary of all the important activities of the system and their progress

  • Some of the important information for the Sub-Group Head to see up-front are :

    1. Expiry Date of Licences which are allocated by Super Admin during registration

    2. Total number of Institutions in the Sub-Group added in the TeaQIP system

    3. Total number of Departments in added Institutions in case of College Group

    4. Total number of Staff in the Sub-Group added in the TeaQIP system

    5. Total number of Subjects in the Sub-Group added in the TeaQIP system

    6. Total number of feedbacks taken in the Sub-Group as on date

    7. ​"Detailed Analytics" link is used to see the analytical reports of all added Institutions (Note that : Once first Survey is conducted by any added Institutions & Reports are released, then only "Detailed Analytics" button get appeared)

Last updated