
  • Make sure all the PC and System Requirements are met before moving on to the next step

  • Open a web browser and access provided URL and log in to the site/platform as explained earlier

  • After signing-in, the landing page as seen below will be visible to the Institution Head from where he/she can see all the required information on the status and progress of all feedback activities, reports, and analytics updated in real-time.

  • If the screen shows a Dashboard that looks like the one below, you are signed in to the site:

  • In the upper right you should see "Welcome YOUR "first name", "Last Name", YOUR "Group Name" and you are logged in as your "Designation" i.e. Sub-Group Head

  • A Dashboard is a place where you get to see a summary of all the important activities of the system and their progress

  • Some of the important information for the Institute Head of School Institution to see up-front are :

    1. Expiry Date of Licences which are allocated by Super Admin during registration

    2. Total number of Staff(Teachers) in the Institution added in the TeaQIP system

    3. Total number of Subjects in the Sub-Group added in the TeaQIP system

    4. Total number of Scheduled Surveys within the Institution

    5. Total number of feedbacks taken within the Institution as on date

    6. ​"Detailed Analytics" link is used to see the analytical reports of all added Institutions (Note that : Once first Survey is conducted by any added Institutions & Reports are released, then only "Detailed Analytics" button get appeared)

Last updated